Mary Hasper – Milltown II Convention – Afternoon Meetings, Friday, August 20, 2004

Hymn 5, “To This Earth” 
Luke 1:1-4, Luke was a Greek and so was Theophilus.  The message Theophilus was listening to the same message Luke heard.  Luke questioned on whether or not Theophilus would believe what he was writing about.  The Greeks were thinkers, artists, philosophers, etc. 
He told Theophilus about an angel appearing at the right hand of the alter of incense.  Zacharias was performing.  Until the offer was fulfilled, Zacharias had to be silent.  Zacharias made the most of the time that was given to him.  The angel the promise made was that he and Elisabeth would have a son.  Elisabeth was going to deliver a child.  Theophilus was asked to believe this wonderful miracle – a gift from God. 
Hannah chose to bring her son – Samuel, but not to Eli – but to the Lord.  The Lord took care of the son. 
Sara and Abraham – even in their old age…they had a son. 
Zacharias had a growing obedience to God.  Mary (mother of Jesus and cousin to Elisabeth) went to Elisabeth’s home.  Elisabeth said that the child in her womb leaped for joy.  Zacharias was moved by that service…in silence.  “Blessed art thou women..[the babe leaped for joy].”  That happened in Judea.  Both women sang their songs.  The torch was now being passed from old priesthood to the fellowship. 
God works from darkness to light.  The evening and the morning are the first day.  The birth of John the Baptist and of Jesus…there was understanding there (in the shadow of death – that’s when the Savior was born). 
“His name is John” was written by Zacharias (for his son – John the Baptist).  The messiah was coming and Zacharias’ own son was the predecessor of the savior.  Zacharias’ tongue was broken and he sung.  When Zacharias spoke first after his silence – he was first speaking of the Son of God. 
We can expect the help of the angels and miracles to take place.  We’re obeying the word of God just by being here (at convention).