Lealand Broughton – Reuben Stephen – India

Ida Mae wrote the following story.  I liked what Lealand told us Wednesday evening of Portage – that we, as God’s people, have the privilege of bringing the gospel to those about us and to not hide or shrink from questions asked of us.  So this account seems confirm that to me – of being sensitive to the voice of our Heavenly Father.

Reuben Stephen from India, before he was in the work, he liked to help the workers in whatever he could.  He was returning from work on his bike and saw two blind men walking, so he offered to go with them so they would not trip on something.  When their ways separated, he told them “goodbye,” but a voice told him to go with them to where they lived.  So he did, and on the way, they asked him who he was and about his faith.  They were invited to go to the meetings, which meant that Reuben had to go get them and take them by bus and get them back by 8pm, or they would miss their supper.  Another blind man heard about this, and wanted to go too.  He came in his beard and Bermudas, but he would remain after the meeting to ask questions, knowing he’d miss his supper.  He professed, married, and had a son.  The son became ill one day, and in the hospital he was in a room with another boy, who died.  The parents of this boy were so impressed with our friends, they wanted to hear and came and professed.  The first two blind men did not profess and moved up north.  Seventeen years later when Reuben was in the work, they wrote to his mother saying they wanted to hear again and they professed.  The wanted the workers to go to visit another blind man in another city, where they had meetings, and two couples came and professed.  So he said if he had not paid heed to that voice, many would never have had the opportunity of serving God.