Dan Hilton – Milltown 2 Convention – 1964

Philemon 1:17, 7 (Defense) John 12:20-27 (Ministry) Isaiah 11:1-3 (Spirit of counsel).

Pillars are something that are sound. Revelations 3:12: Is your church a pillar church? If there is life, then there will be love. If you can’t love people for what they are, love them for Jesus’ sake. Ephesians 5:22, 32; Hebrews 2:4 If you have the desire to get married that is planned by God, but we want you to watch, to be careful, be cautious and don’t jump into anything too fast. Don’t let your infatuations just completely take away your good judgment. Go careful, go slow, and because it is the will of God. It is one of the most vital decisions. so be careful. We have seen some occasions where young folks weren’t careful. Marriage is a wonderful thing if it is planned and ordained by God.

Now to those of you who have taken this step, those marriage vows were to be permanent. When you divide one (flesh) in half you don’t have two. Ephesians 5: “Let a wife know you appreciate her.” Don’t let your appreciation go down to the level of expectancy. The grave of love can be dug with a lot of little “digs.”

“An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure.”

“A few drops of honey often can save a ton of lemon.”

Don’t be too proud to make the first move.

Our bread is spread with butter and honey on both sides. We have the best on the material and spiritual sides.

Parents: Your children are a gold mine. Be your best to them in the few years you have them. “Write on the doorposts and gates.” The gate is the point of exit and entry from the home; and in our spiritual home, anything that comes into the home should pass the censorship of the word of God. The gate is the point of exit to nothing, going out apart from all the censorship of God’s Word. That would include what goes out over the telephone, too. The two pillars are the husband and wife with the Word of God written all over them.

Deuteronomy 7: What to bring into the home. The graven images are to be left out. (These things are in the New Testament too: I Peter 4:3, 1 John 5:21) Graven images burned with fire. These were the things that the unbelievers watched. Nothing could be recreated from the ashes and he said, here is the catch, “Don’t let me desire from it the good of the idol–the gold or the silver.” (T.V. has some good!) God said, “Be careful that you don’t find a desire for the good in that evil thing, that will be the snare.” A snare is a deadly death sentence. Psalms 101:3 Watching the evil thing. That would be just like the idol.

Some of these idols are just like opium. You would be frightened if people started saying it was all right to bring a certain idol into the kingdom. “Bring forth fruits worthy of repentance,” before you are baptized. People led by the spirit of God get these idols out, and usually without being told.

Is that abominable thing good for children? Ring leaders, seven and twelve years old? What do you want, robbers?

Compromise means a partial surrender. Psalms 48.-13 Wall of defense. We need to be a pillar of defense. I Kings 18-20, 11 Chronicles, 32, Isaiah 36-39, (40-66 were during last years of Hezikiah’s life.) Hezekiah let man first into Babylon–the breeding ground of all our troubles today. Hezikiah compromised for the sake of peace in his day and his people. You know what could happen if we aren’t pillars of defense? These little things just slip in and we can become like Hezikiah. Isaiah labored before and during the time of Hezikiah, but not during the time of his sons; truth had fallen in the streets.

“We have to be careful of the wedge.” I Timothy 2:8

Man, keep your hands off of shady deals or Babylon will get in–don’t lose your temper. Women; sister workers are good patterns of modesty. Modesty is the most becoming thing, and any absence of modesty is unbecoming.

Don’t let Sunday become a fun-day. If we start compromising here and there everyone will use it as an excuse to compromise elsewhere. Commercial sports–people got drunk with it. It brings death.

“If you are going there, please kindly count me out.” This was said to a group of the young friends. We can’t let ourselves be swayed by anybody, even God’s people.

Over-socializing could make the family of God more of a fraternity.

Weddings. Modesty here, too. We are thrilled to see simplicity. Those young folks had enough consideration for God’s name to keep it in sincerity. “If I didn’t know the bride and groom I couldn’t have told them from the rest.” One woman said, “That is the most wonderful wedding I have ever been to.” She wasn’t inside. She said she wished she could have one like that for her daughter, and she wasn’t even professing.