Jack Carroll – 7 Conditions of the Fellowship – 1921

I have greatly enjoyed reading over the Epistles of John and meditation on all it means to live in fellowship with the Father, the Son, and the other members of the family of God. FELLOWSHIP is the main theme of all three Epistles and in the first two chapters of the first Epistle, there are at least seven conditions laid down which if we fulfill will enable us to enjoy more and more of this Fellowship. It is possible for any child of God to fulfill these seven conditions.


[1] Loyalty “to that which was from the beginning.” The word “beginning” occurs seven times in the first two chapters of the Epistle. I John 1:1; 2:7; 13, 14, 24. It is very evident that John had in his mind those referred to in chapter 2:18, 19, 26, who had gone out from the true fellowship by departing from “that which was from the beginning,” and were now seeking to “seduce” others. The devil’s purpose is always to get men to become disloyal to “that which was from the beginning” and get them taken up with “mysteries,” “prophecies,” and teaching which only confuses and misleads. Fellowship with God necessitates loyalty to the truths we have heard from the beginning, to all that Jesus came in the flesh to live and teach, as a child, as a working man, and as a preacher. “He lived to show us how to live,” how to get the victory over sin in every form. In O.T. days God spoke through and by men who were imperfect but in these “last days hath spoken to us by HIS SON.” We may learn lessons from any or all of the O.T. characters to justify and excuse their own. The very first condition for fellowship with God laid down by John is loyalty to ALL THAT JESUS LIVED AND TAUGHT.


[2] Willingness to “walk in the Light as He is in the Light. I John 1:5:3-14; Romans 13:12-14. Darkness is everything unlike Jesus whether worldly, fleshly, or religiously. Light is everything that Jesus lived and taught. “Walking in the light” means following Jesus. John 8:12. All who “walk in the Light have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus cleanseth from all sin.” The “deeds” and “doctrine” of men that claimed to have fellowship with God and yet walked in darkness. John said all such were “liars,” chapters 1:6; 2:4.


[3] Recognition of the fact that even when we do our best we still come short and need the mercy of God to forgive and the blood of Jesus to cleanse, chapter 1:8. This saves from all spiritual pride.


[4]”Willingness to confess and forsake our sins,” chapter 1:9. Sins confessed and forsaken will always be forgiven. Read Psalms 32 and 103.


[5] “Keeping His commandments,” chapter 2:3-5. “His commandments are not grievous,” chapter 5:3. Not the Ten of the law, but words and sayings of Jesus.


[6] “Loving none another,” chapter 2:8 – 11; 3:14-19; 4:7,8; John 13:34-35.


[7] “Love not the world,” chapter 2:15-17; 3:1; John 7:7; 15:18; 16:33.


I am sure it would be well worth your while to memorize and earnestly seek to fulfill these seven conditions. This will bring into your life the fullest measure of joy and satisfaction in the family of God.